The Cost of Driver's License in the UK

Nov 15, 2023


Welcome to UK Express Documents, a trusted provider of shipping and legal services in the UK. In this article, we will explore the process and cost of obtaining a driver's license in the UK. Whether you are a UK resident or an international individual seeking to drive in the UK, our team is here to assist. Let's dive into the details!

Obtaining a Driver's License in the UK

Getting a driver's license in the UK is an exciting and essential step towards independence and mobility. Before diving into the cost, let's first understand the process involved in obtaining a driver's license.

Provisional License

Before you can start learning to drive and apply for a full driver's license, you need to obtain a provisional license. This serves as a learner's permit and allows you to practice driving on public roads under specific conditions. The cost of a provisional license is currently £34, payable online or by post.

The Theory Test

Once you have your provisional license, the next step is to pass the theory test. This test assesses your knowledge of the rules of the road, hazard perception, and traffic signs. The current fees for the theory test in the UK are £23 for the multiple-choice part and £15 for the hazard perception part, totaling £38. It is important to prepare for this test to increase your chances of passing on the first attempt.

Driving Lessons

After successfully passing the theory test, it's time to enroll in driving lessons. Choosing a qualified and experienced driving instructor will greatly enhance your learning experience and help you develop safe driving skills. The cost of driving lessons can vary depending on the region and the instructor you choose. On average, expect to pay between £20 and £30 per hour for professional driving lessons.

The Practical Test

Once you feel confident in your driving skills, you are ready to take the practical test. The practical test examines your ability to drive safely and effectively in various road and traffic conditions. The current fee for the practical test in the UK is £62 on weekdays and £75 on evenings, weekends, and bank holidays.

Additional Costs

While the above fees cover the main components of obtaining a driver's license, there may be additional costs depending on your circumstances. Here are some common additional costs to consider:

  • Provisional License Photos: You may need to provide passport-sized photos for your provisional license application, which can cost around £5.
  • Theory Test Study Materials: Investing in study materials, such as books or online resources, can help you prepare for the theory test effectively.
  • Practical Test Vehicle Rental: If you do not have access to a suitable vehicle for the practical test, you may need to rent one from a driving school or instructor.

UK Express Documents – Your Reliable Partner

At UK Express Documents, we understand that obtaining a driver's license can be a time-consuming and overwhelming process. That's why we offer comprehensive shipping and legal services to assist you every step of the way. Our experienced team will ensure all necessary documentation is properly prepared and submitted, saving you valuable time and effort.

In addition to our exceptional service, we are proud to offer competitive pricing for our services. We believe in making our services accessible to everyone who needs them. With UK Express Documents, you can trust that you are receiving quality assistance at a fair cost.


Obtaining a driver's license in the UK involves several steps, from obtaining a provisional license to passing the theory and practical tests. While there are associated costs, the investment is well worth the freedom and opportunities that come with having a driver's license. At UK Express Documents, we strive to make the process as smooth as possible, providing shipping and legal services to simplify your journey.

If you are looking to obtain a driver's license in the UK, trust the experts at UK Express Documents to guide you through the process. Contact us today to get started on your journey toward independent driving!

driver license cost uk